Coast Employment Law
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Right Hiring Practices Can Help Reduce Employment Litigation Risks

Sometimes, toxic employees can enter your workplace. You can reduce the risk of introducing the wrong kind of employee to your workplace by being much more cautious and taking the right steps at the hiring process.

Often, employers take the hiring and recruitment process very likely. That is a major mistake to make because it means that you end up with an employee, who not only does not gel with the rest of the workforce, but also actually disrupts your workplace. That creates a potentially dangerous environment for you as an employer.

Hiring the right people is essential to maintain discipline in your workforce. That means that you make use of the right recruitment channels, when it comes to hiring new employees. It also means that you make use of all available options to you, including pre-employment screening tests, evaluation tests, and other tests that are designed to ensure that the employee you are hiring is the right fit for your company.

Are such screening tests legal? They absolutely are. However, any Irvine employment law firm would recommend that they must be administered in the right manner, and must be administered, within the legal framework. Additionally, any pre-employment screening tests that you use for recruitment must be used consistently in your workplace.

Make sure that your application forms are legally-compliant, and tailored to get the kind of information that you need to ensure that your potential employee is right for your workforce.

Also use cognitive tests, personality questionnaires, medical exams, and a number of other tests to screen employees. However, any Irvine employment law firm would advise caution when you use these tests. The tests must not be used to discriminate against potential hires based on age, race, religion or other factors.

The tests must be designed to meet the needs of the position for which you are hiring. Use personality tests and talent assessment tests to get the right person for the job. Check up on references provided, especially of former employers.


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